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Start to green your business!

As it explains on the previous blog, doing the go green business will help your company gain more revenue and develop your business even further. Therefore, you need to start to thinking about greening your business as soon as possible. Here are some ways to help you make a go green business:

1. Going Paperless

Going Paperless (Leemic ltd, 2018)

Paperless is the easiest step to start going green. You could tell the employees to print two-sided paper and start to use recycled paper. You could even try to reduce the print if it not necessary. Other ways you could try is telling the employees to bring their own mug or drink bottle, so you do not have to provide paper cup in the kitchenet.

2. Using Reusable Product

Starbucks Cold Cups (Starbucks Corporation, 2019)

Reusable product will decrease the cost for your business. By simply using the rag instead of tissue to clean the table at your coffee shop business will reduce the cost. Alternatively, you could sell reusable product to your customer to gain more revenue, and at the same time you are participate in save the environment for our planet. This is what Starbucks do with selling their popular tumbler and make more revenue from it.

3. Doing Recycle

Recycle (Qian, 2018)

There are a lot of things that businesses could recycle, such as electronics, paper and plastic. The good way to start recycling is give the used electronic to the nearest charities. Other than cut off the cost for recycle, this will also increase the brand image.

4. Do partnership with eco-friendly business

Partnership (Score Association, 2019)

If you do partnership with go green business, it will increase your brand image. People will recognise you as going green business as well and you will gain more customer from it. Moreover, you could learn from your business partnership to do more environmental care as a part of your business.

Start thinking about eco-friendly business, and you will grow your business even further. Just believe that together we can save the world and the business should participate to make a zero waste. This is for the importance of the business itself in the future and the planet for our next generation.



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