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8 Benefits to Use Reusable Goods

It has been explained on the previous blog that reuse is one of the ways to prevent plastic pollution. If you have not read the previous blog just jump out right here! Using reusable goods is definitely give the benefit for the planet and for those who using it. Here is 8 Benefit that you could get if you start using reusable goods:

1. Save Money

Save Money (Petersen, 2019)

Reuse will save you much money by not always buy the things that you could reuse for many times. Simple things that most of us do is buying a take away lunch instead of making and bring our own lunch box. The plastic that used for our takeaway meal will shortly waste and it takes a long time to decompose.

2. Prevent Pollution

Prevent Pollution (Mcgowan, 2018)

Using eco-friendly product will definitely prevent the pollution especially plastic pollution. As it prevents the plastic pollution it will also impact other pollution will be decrease. In example, if we reduce the consumption of plastic we will help to clear the water pollution in the ocean and help the marine to live longer.

3. Sustain the Environment

Environment (Stubbs, 2018)

Reducing the waste means we are helping to sustain the environment for the future generation. This is important because if are not starting to save our planet, there will be a lot of damage. The damage will make our next generation difficult to live.

4. Generate New Business

New Business (Una Healy Design, 2019)

The reusable goods open more opportunity to generate new business and at the same time they could save the environment. Lately, people try to understand and have a concern about the environment and it could give more opportunity for business to create eco-friendly goods and sell it for them. This is a benefit for both parties, even for the earth.

5. Save Energy

Save Energy (Canter, 2018)

Using the reusable goods will save the energy from manufacturing non-reusable goods. According to the research of the Pacific Institute of California, water bottle production need more intensive energy up to 2000 times than tap water (Gleick, 2009). Therefore, one way you could save energy by using the reusable water bottle that you can refill anytime.

6. Prevent the Scarcity of Natural Resources

Prevent the Scarcity (Siegel, 2015)

Many non-reusable products are produced by using raw materials that could be a scarcity if people use it without thinking about future. A simply example is all the plastic wrap, plastic straw, and plastic drink bottle use crude oil as a raw material. Therefore, reuse many times those things or buy the reusable goods will prevent the scarcity of crude oil.

7. Get More Discount!

Discount (Wolfer, 2019)

You should now that many businesses especially in food and beverage industry offer more discount for their customer that using reusable goods. Starbucks has offered this promotion with $.10 discount for their customer if they bring any reusable cup, and it do not have to use the Starbucks cup (Fisher, 2019). Actually, this is a good way to join the zero waste and to save money.

8. Reduce the amount of waste

Reduce Waste (Ontario Tire Stewardship, 2019)

Every time we waste a product it will be send to landfill. The rate of filling up the landfill is very rapid. By reusing the product, we will decrease the rate of waste that filling up the landfill. At the same time, it will prevent the pollution of the environment around the landfill.

These benefits will not only for those people who are using the reusable goods, but for the earth as well. As a human, we should be responsible by using our power to save the planet. For more information, a video below will tell you about the reusable goods that you could use to help the planet. No matter who you are and how much power you use, it will always matter for our planet!



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